

Join the waitlist for the Inner Circle Mastermind and experience your best year yet in business

Places are limited to 30 women only!

The Inner Circle Mastermind experience is exclusively for course creators, membership and subscription box owners and online coaches who are ready to step into their next level.

  • Do you want to multiply your revenue by 3, 5, or even 10 in the next 12 months whilst keeping company with some of the most switched-on, driven individuals you'll ever meet?
  • Are you ready for your business to become the vehicle for your dream life?


Together, we’ll be helping you plan each quarter, support you in your leadership development, hone in on your messaging, craft your scalable offers, maximise launches (your way!) and scale with systems and team (no matter how small or big).


Joining a high-level mastermind changed me and those changes then created everything that became possible in my business. You could say, it fast-tracked me to creating a business that has not only seen me feel fulfilled every single day, it has also allowed me to reach financial goals I would never have even dreamed of five years ago. The best bit? I've learned how to build a smart, sustainable and scaleable business that sees me having more time for my children, my husband and my own self-care.

If you're reading this, the Inner Circle Mastermind is on your heart. You instinctively know that you need to break through the wall in order to achieve your dream life.

Online business is a wonderful way to serve and have your impact. It is also extremely difficult in those early years when you've got a couple of launches under your belt, you're working harder than ever but you have come to a stand-still....

How do you get to the next level?

Chances are you've done the courses, you've had the coaching, you're surrounding yourself with other doers inside of awesome programs and networking groups, but you may be recognising that you are DIFFERENT.

You are not the same person you were a year ago or even 6 months ago.

You crave more for yourself.

You are looking to advance in your business and create a bigger gap between you and the others in your industry. It's becoming more and more important to you that your circle stays energised and cutting-edge, filled with action-takers that will inspire you to rise up too.

You may even feel that you have outgrown some of the conversations and moved past barriers that are keeping others stuck. What's that saying? "If you're the smartest person in the room, get out of the room!"

Maybe you know exactly what you have to do, but you just get "stuck" in your own thoughts and habits, resulting in all-talk-and-no-biz-action.

You may have realised that you are the biggest roadblock in growing your own business, and that your view of what is REALLY going on can be hindered by blindspots. That's when you need the eyes, ears and minds of a next-level brains-trust on your business!

These are clear signs that you are ready for a high-level Mastermind.

you are ready

You are also ready for the Inner Circle Mastermind if:

  • You get frustrated seeing others in your niche zooming past you (often with less experience) when you know you are worthy and capable of the same greatness.
  • You're ready for things like big, bold, exciting launches, webinars, events, speaking gigs, interviews on top-rated podcasts, growing your team, attending exciting retreats, expanding your high-level network, learning the most up to date, advanced online business and marketing strategies (from us, guest experts and carefully selected Mastermind peers) and mingling with inspirational individuals.

It's time to give yourself permission to step into your role as the visionary behind your growing business.


Visionaries are the CEOs who drive the strategy in their business and demonstrate leadership in growing a team. They step away from all the DIY and say no to merely being an employee in their business. They are consiously aware that how they think and who they are BE-ing is the secret sauce. They ask "How can I make this possible?" and they demonstrate resilience and persistence. All successful Visionaries made decisions based on where they wanted to be, not on their current circumstances.


A visionary thrives knowing that they are not the smartest person in the room. They crave strategic, high level connection and contribute meaningfully to conversations with other visionaries.

I've learnt so much in the past 7 years of running a successful 7-figure online business. Along the way, I've created multiple courses, ebooks, online challenges, services and coaching programs which enabled my husband to leave his corporate career and join me in creating our life by design (the business is the vehicle). Together, we've launched several other offers and scaled a brand new online membership from $0 to $400K in annual revenue in under 12 months - without the burnout, and without sacrificing our core values of family, travel and giving back generously to others.

We've also kicked butt in some epic affiliate launches for some of the world's leading digital CEOs - occupying the Top 10 affiliates alongside Amy Porterfield, James Wedmore, Russel Brunsen and Carrie Green.


But this wouldn't have been possible if we had chosen to go it alone. In the past five years we've made the decision to invest in two high-level masterminds ourselves so that we could accelerate from where we were to where we wanted to be in half the time (or less). This has allowed us to have a bigger impact than ever and to also, skip the struggle and burnout we see destroying so many digital businesses before they ever truly get off the ground.

Those experiences made us go, "Why does this calibre, small group mastermind not exist in Australian female Digital CEOs?"

But I'm not a sit-around-and-wish kinda gal. Created in 2020, we are now heading into our fourth year of delivering this experience and we invite you to apply.  Keep scrolling down this page to read about their breakthroughs and successes in only 12 months (I actually need tissues when I hear their stories because they are seriously life-changing results!)

Having a successful business shouldn't mean you don't get a break! Your business should fit around your life - not consume it. In fact, the LESS we do, the MORE we make.

Your invitation to join…


Facilitated by me, Tracy Harris and supported by fellow coach, Karl Harris and my very own Launch Manager Natalie Welsh, the Inner Circle Mastermind is a 12-month experience designed to support the growth of your business, growth through personal and business development and your breakthrough year in business.


It's for a select group of individuals who want to:

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Scale their course, membership or digital products in the next 12 months under the trusted leadership and guidance of two mentors and a close-knit group of committed entrepreneurs.

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Fast-track their success and experience $10K months and even $100K months in their business without working more or adding more to their plate.

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Be able to talk openly in a small, safe space about their business and form bonds with other quality entrepreneurs.

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Get insiders' insights into how we have grown our business (this is the secret sauce that we only share with our Masterminders)


The goal:



It's been a revolutionary experience for me on so many levels and I am so grateful to be continuing for a 3rd year.

Dr Sascha


I have grown my business by 400% and I only work 12-15 hours per week. I am clear on my offers and my business model. I haven't just scaled my business, I have scaled life! I am so grateful Tracy.



I am making more money in my business than ever and I am paying myself 5X what I have in the past!



What we stand for

inner circle


We don't believe that you have to work 40-hour weeks or even 10-hour weeks in order to build a successful online business. How hard you work is not what determines success - success is based on your habits, how you are thinking, the questions you are asking, and what you are doing in the time that you have set to work on your growing business. We stand for guilt-free, stress-free businesses that allow you to create your life by design whilst helping others in the process. Yes, you can have it all!


Having direct access to both Tracy and Karl is something I value immensely, and which is why I would choose the Mastermind over another programme. The time you take to know our businesses and provide specific feedback on what we're doing is invaluable.

Sandra Julian


The Inner Circle Mastermind experience is the ultimate blend of strategy, good energy and fun.

We help our members:

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Scale their businesses, streamline their processes, step into their leadership and break through their personal ceilings to reach the next level of success.

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Increase revenue and impact without "doing more" or sacrificing time or freedom for further growth.

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Develop a greater sense of self awareness so they can celebrate who they truly are and create a business that is in full alignment with that.

From my own personal experience, I believe a mastermind is essential for growing a digital business

Here's why:

Here's how we'll get you there:


Monthly Breakthrough Hot Seat Calls
valued at $6,000 AUD

Expand your thoughts, clarify big ideas, move forward with confidence.

Each month you will have the opportunity to nominate yourself for the Hot Seat. Come ready to ask your most pressing business question, seek valuable feedback on a new idea, ask for suggestions and strategies from your peers and from your mentors. It's in these calls that the biggest breakthroughs happen. Be prepared to experience exponential growth when you are in the hot seat and as you witness your peers in the same position - you'll get insights into their business and backstage passes into their advanced business strategies, offer creation and launches!

Sitting in on one of our ICM Breakthrough Hot Seats is like being coached or advised by a room full of incredible business/mindset coaches at once.

January to November

2 Luxe Inner Circle Retreats
valued at $30,000 AUD

Get ready to leave the pressures and demands of home-life and business far, far away!

Day One is all about the FUN and surprises (because business should not be boring). In the evening you’ll be our guests as we treat you to dinner. We’ll indulge in delicious food and yummy drinks!

Day Two and Three are our learning and development days. These are typically 9-5pm days and it’s a complete digital entrepreneurship immersion experience. In the past we’ve explored: Leadership, Offer Creation and High-Ticket Offer Creation, Growing a Team and Resilience in business (to name a few). We’ve had some extraordinary entrepreneurs speak at our retreats and life-changing clarity occur for our ICM clients.

Our Retreat Experiences include activities, guest experts, facilitated sessions, dinner/drinks on Night One, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea (on Days Two and Three). All you have to pay for is your flights, accommodation (many ladies choose to share) and a few meals.

When: TBA
Where: TBA


Monthly Advanced Business Share Calls
valued at $6,000 AUD

In a Mastermind, you get to learn things we don’t share in any of our other programs. Things like, our own launch debriefs (walkthroughs into our launches), our systems and processes. It’s also where we teach you 6 and 7 figure business strategies that are on the forefront of digital marketing. We also bring in guest experts from within our own network. People like our own mentors, our smartest peers and contacts that we know are the best-of-the-best.

We’ve even had ICM clients lead these sessions and share their expertise or teach back something that is working in their business to yield incredible results. A high benefit of being in a high-level Mastermind is being able to learn from peers who are experts and leaders in their industries.

January to November

Quarterly Growth Planning Sessions
valued at $6,000 AUD

As the leader of your business you are in the driver’s seat when it comes to creating the map that takes you to your vision. Each quarter, you’ll be able to attend a session with us and your ICM peers as we guide you through planning your next 90 days.

  • Accelerate your business growth as you set intentional goals with our guidance as your mentors.
  • Get personalised feedback
  • Set exciting revenue goals
  • Plan and prioritise the right projects
  • Create healthy boundaries that keep you feeling aligned and focused
  • Finished the year feeling planned, organised and proud of your growth

Running in January, April, July, October


ICM Accountability PODs
valued at $7,000 AUD

ICM PODs are an optional, high-value-experience, offered to ICM ladies who wish to join a small group of ICM peers (3-5 individuals) for a 4 month term.

  • PODs are a great way to receive additional peer-coaching and can fast-track your growth and achievement of goals
  • PODs allow you to get to know your ICM peers on a deeper level
  • PODs allow you the opportunity to share your expertise with your peers and be of service to others
  • PODs are a more intimate setting and an opportunity for ICM members to connect and share together
  • PODs act as an additional source of accountability

12 Months Access to our Secret Mastermind-Only Portal

Not only do you get the ease of your own private Inner Circle Mastermind Portal, you’ll be granted high-level access these trail-blazing resources and trainings.

combined value of over $40,000 AUD

  • Our High-Converting Landing Page Vault
  • Offers That Sell and the Customer Journey with Michelle Falzon
  • Advanced Sales Pages For Memberships and Courses with Tracy and Karl
  • Conversion Copywriting for Emails That Sell with Belinda Weaver
  • Evergreen funnels with Scott Paley
  • Facebook Ad Copy Guide with Jessica Tutton
  • Becoming an Unstoppable Entrepreneur with Stu McLaren
  • Attracting, Managing and Retaining Your Dream Team with Kristy-Lee Billet
  • My Million-Dollar Webinar Formula and Slide-Deck with Tracy Harris
  • Advanced Emailing Marketing with Yael Keon
  • Our Live Launch Kit
  • Launch Calculators, to help you plan your launch with the right conversion metrics

12 Months Access to the Inner Circle Facebook Group
value - priceless

This is where you'll have those brains trust conversations and share links and projects for feedback. You can add more value for your Mastermind peers by sharing resources, initiating conversations that lead to growth, asking questions or seeking clarity from your peers in areas that leave you feeling stuck.

That's $95,000+ in value!

Vanya-Insull-1-square copy
“Under Tracy’s mentorship I have launched a membership which now has 1100 members."

Tracy and Karl also helped me create an evergreen strategy that sees my monthly churn rate replaced by new members joining without launching! I now also have a successful online course and the best bit, my husband has been able to scale back his hours as a builder to spend more time with me and our boys. I have turned my food blog into a full on business that is strong and growing year on year.”

Vanya insull

Mother of 2 and CEO at VJ Cooks

In addition to this elite Mastermind experience, you will also gain access to these BONUSES



12 months inside of the Social Method Society

A monthly Membership supporting female entrepreneurs in advancing their business with intentional, results-focussed Instagram marketing (current price $700 AUD).



Reels For Business Course

A self-study course teaching you the marketing and sales secrets I use to sell my membership, courses, mastermind and $25,000 VIP days. Get my profitable Reels strategies and frameworks in short, simple lessons and easy action steps! (current price $499 AUD).


Hashtag Hustle

The self-paced audience-building and engagement-boosting course for business owners (current price $599 AUD).


Stand-Out Instagram Stories Course

The self-paced course that takes you from awkward Instagram Stories novice to PROFESSIONAL Instagram Stories BOSS (current price $599 AUD).

Imagine it's NYE...


You're looking back with your jaw on the floor saying, "Damn. I cannot believe I had such a transformative year. I achieved more than I thought was possible, and it felt energising."

Your business is a direct representation of who you are "being" right now, but what you want IS possible and it doesn't have to be agonising or isolating.


Start operating FROM YOUR VISION and apply for the Inner Circle Mastermind. Let's make next year exhilarating, enriching and life-changing.


What becomes possible in the Inner Circle Mastermind?

Hear more about our Mastermind clients
“I'm paying myself 5 x the amount I was last year.”
Rosie joined the Inner Circle Mastermind with a part-time business that saw her making cakes, cookies and cupcake for events. She also had a part-time public service job and knew that she wanted out!

Rosie decided to go all-in on her digital business because she understands that what she wanted for her life and what she was doing wasn’t matching up.

She took the brave step and launched an online baking membership teaching mums with little-to-no baking skills how to bake amazing cakes that make their kids go, “WOW!”

She now has 127 monthly members and recurring revenue that makes her business stable and scalable!

Rosie made a commitment to herself to “get out of her own head” by putting herself in the best place for ongoing mentorship and coaching.

  • She’s developing herself as a CEO
  • Creating processes in her business
  • Outsourcing and growing a team
  • Paying herself 5 x the amount she was last year
  • She’s launching like a pro with webinars that convert
  • She creates high-converting offer pages
  • She’s growing her email list with qualified buyers
  • The list goes on and on!

We are so proud of our “Rockstar Rosie”!

Rosie Gaul

CEO, Rosie Cakes Canberra
“My business is a legacy to my late mum who continues to be my inspiration and greatest teacher.”

Meet Jo. She’s an ex-Principal and teacher of over 30 years, turned Digital CEO, helping women navigate the season of mid-life and showing peri-menopause and menopause who’s boss!

Jo says she desired to join the Inner Circle because although she’d been in some other online course communities and big-name programs, she was finding it a bit “cookie-cutter” in their approach and knew that the key to growth was to forge her own path. “I am devoted to learning as much as I can regarding how to establish an online business, in particular memberships and creating all of the systems to support it.  I want to give myself every opportunity to develop myself professionally and personally in order to create a wildly successful and scaleable business that helps other women to live their best lives.”

  • This year Jo has consistently grown her membership
  • Launched her own podcast
  • Created a high-converting quiz funnel that has gained her over 800 new qualified leads

Jo is a team player and loves to encourage and support others to be their best. We love you Jo!

Jo Clark

CEO, Jo Clark Coaching
Jo (7)

Kate is a Mum of 5 and when she joined the ICM she was stressed, overworking and also juggling a few part-time jobs in addition to her business.

In only one year of being in the ICM, she was able to quit her paid employment and step fully into her digital business. Kate has just finished building their dream family home. She's working less and making more money and more impact and her family is closer as a result.


E-commerce & Launch Coach
“If it wasn’t for your mentorship and this mastermind, I honestly don’t know what I would have done.”

Jen B never used to want to stand out.

She was all about playing it safe, blending in and she even wore black.

There was no pink hair. No bold colour and not a flamingo in sight.

After Jen’s first husband left her, their 7 year old daughter and Jen’s ailing mother, she decided to start her own business as a side-hustle, buy him out of the house and own it for herself.

To this day, her mortgage broker says she holds the record for the biggest loan ever given to a single mother.

In 2020 Jen joined the Inner Circle Mastermind with a desire to grow her online business to be her main thing! That year, she got made redundant at her day job. Jen chose to see that as a sign that she was on the right track.

She knew she needed to keep true to her mission of “standing on her own two feet” and helping other women to do the same.

Despite other heartbreaking setbacks, including the loss of her mother, the loss of a beloved pet, her hubby needing surgery (and then care for 6 weeks as he recovered), being struck down by Covid... talk about hard knocks! Jen has remained resilient and has completely transformed herself, her offers and her entire business.

“If it wasn’t for your mentorship and this mastermind, I honestly don’t know what I would have done.”

Her signature offers help her female branding clients become “Flamingos in a flock of seagulls.” Translation - stand out of the crowd, become known, memorable, trusted and chosen by their ideal customers!

Jen is heading into her 4th year of the Inner Circle Mastermind and she tells me all the time how excited she is to welcome new women into this Mastermind to grow alongside.

Jen Bowers

Brand Joy Coach @ Jen B Brands
Pink-Pom-Pom-Jen-Photo-by-Hipster-Mum-6010 copy
Ready for ICM Success Netflix!

Watch and listen to their breakthroughs first hand

".Tracy and Karl are THE BEST"
- Jo Clark, Coach/Mentor

"I have been able to grow my email list to over 1500 people in just a few months."
- Jessica Read,
Holistic Therapist

"If I can do it, anybody can."
- Jen Bowers,
Branding Expert

"I can't imagine a future in business without the scaffolding and support of the ICM."
- Dr Sascha Kowalenko,
Mentor. Coach. Clinical Psychologist

"We can create a life by design."
- Ceri Sandford, Teacher Mentor & Advocate

"I grew my business from a tiny little hobby idea to a multi 6 figure business"
- Vanya Insull, Membership Owner and Best-Selling Author

"You make your money back."
- Melina Bagnato, E-comm + Brick & Mortar Boutique

"Being connected with high level entrepreneur mindsets has changed my life."
- Angela Sanchez, Beauty Business Coach

"This year, I've had the best launches I've EVER had for my membership."
- Jessica Donovan, Naturopath

"The calibre of women in the ICM is outstanding."
- Yael Keon,
Email Marketing Expert

"The support and guidance helped me stay focused on what I wanted to achieve."
- Ashley Boston, FB Ads Expert

"We're growing and have plans for more employees!"
- Liv Morgan, Online Earning Store & Subscription

The Inner Circle IS FOR YOU if:

  • You are a course creator, founder of an online membership or subscription box, digital product creator, coach, service provider, author or industry expert/influencer (how long you've been in business is not important).
  • You have one or two launches under your belt and rather than waste time and lose moral by hanging in the "messy middle" alone, you believe you're worthy of the support and guidance that you need.
  • You have a core offer that you're ready to refine and scale for further success.
  • As you've grown, you've come to really crave the safety and intimacy of a small group of high-level individuals and mentors rather than a huge group where you're just one in a sea of many
  • You don't need to buy more courses. You need to start scaling.
  • You need the strategy pieces that you have been missing... the pieces that have been seeing others in the industry overtake you, and your ideal customers missing out on what you have to offer.
  • You are coachable, action-orientated, and generous with your time, energy and knowledge.
  • The success of the other members is important to you.
  • You understand that successful, balanced, thriving entrepreneurs spend time with other successful, balanced, thriving entrepreneurs!

This is NOT FOR YOU if:

  • You don't have an established online business or core offer.
  • You aren't open and coachable.
  • You don't take full responsibility for your success and your actions.
  • You are judgemental of others, you lack empathy, and you withhold valuable information and resources from others.
  • You complain, pass blame, and have a fixed mindset.

The Inner Circle Mastermind is all about RESULTS!


I've got my messaging right and my offer is spot on!


It's the personal touch... And that's something I don't think you get so much of in other masterminds... and it makes a big difference! That higher touch experience is REALLY good and valuable!!


My membership used to suck energy from me but you helped me re-structure it so now it feels light, energising and my Members absolutely love it. I now have 103 amazing Members who I love to serve.


Client Pics - Circles (1)
Even though I am juggling life, a young one, another business and a husband who works massive hours and has his own business, I really have found this group a saviour of sanity. I know that I am doing more than I could of if left to my own devices!


In the end though, it has been Tracy's advice that lead me out of my own mind and helped me decide on my best path. I've had to do so much work this year on myself and my mindset to let go of what I 'do' and become the business owner I want to be (which is what I'm working on now) but really, Tracy, after all the mind monkeys settled down, it was your advice that has put me on this track to create a simple and scalable business, so thank you.




Entry into the Inner Circle Mastermind under the facilitation
of Tracy and Karl Harris also grants you access to:

  • Multiple 7 figure mentors - both Tracy and Karl have years of experience in sales, mindset mastery, online marketing, tech solutions, leadership, speaking, teaching, coaching, online launches, offer creation, course creation, memberships, community building, podcasting event planning, people management and more!
  • A tight-knit group of pre-qualified heart-centred entrepreneurs - your brainstrust, your ride-or-die homies, your entrepreneurial fam!
  • Some of the world's leading experts and guest presenters
  • Advanced online marketing methods
  • Next-level community building, management and engagement strategies
  • Opportunity to further advance your entrepreneurial mindset
  • Insights into how we are building our company
  • High level business strategy
  • Cutting edge launch strategies for scaling your offers
  • Leadership development and team management skills
  • Your brains trust of Inner Circle peers (all vetted by us through our application and interview process)
  • New connections, friendships and business opportunities
  • New experiences and time for personal growth
  • Monthly Breakthrough Hot Seats (December off)
  • Monthly Advanced Business Masterclasses (December off)
  • QTRLY Growth Planning Sessions
  • 2 Luxe in-person (5 ⭐ Facilitated Implementation Days) Inner Circle Retreats (in Australia March/Oct)
  • ICM PODs (become part of a small group of 4 who will meet together monthly for accountability)
  • Our Premium ICM Community Facebook Group
  • Online Members-Only Portal



12 months inside of the Social Method Society


Hashtag Hustle Course


Stand-Out Instagram Stories Course


Reels For Business Course

Having your assistance this year as I explore a new niche has been invaluable. Your feedback and push to move in this direction has been incredible.



I truly feel seen, heard and supported.





© 2024 Tracy Harris | PRIVACY | TERMS