13 Simple Ways to Boost Your Blog
Blogging is hard work, it requires persistence and perseverance. There will be a period of time where you may not have any readers at all (besides your family). You may be writing some of the best content you will ever write without a comment or a sniff of acknowledgment BUT it doesn’t have to be like that. Here are my 13 Simple Ways to Boost Your Blog!
1.Open yourself up for guest blogs
By accepting to publish guest blog pieces on your own website, you are opening yourself up to wider exposure from other audiences. Yes, the guest blogger will promote their piece and share it with their audience, which equals more reach and exposure for you. It also provides quality content for your site. Just make sure that you are clear in what you require. Not all posts will suit your brand and appeal to your readership. You have to be willing to say “no” sometimes.
2. Guest blog yourself
Look out for opportunities to guest blog. Follow other bloggers that have your audience. Keep an eye out on Instagram for accounts that share posts advertising guest blogging opportunities. Check out the website of your favourite bloggers. There will often be a link to submit guest blog posts if it is something they accept. When you do submit, always have it all packaged up and good to go! By that, I mean, there’s no reason for them to contact you to get “bits” to help them publish your piece. You’ll need a short bio, your blog piece must have a great heading, subheadings to break up all that text, appropriate images to compliment your piece and all your contacts. Your job is to make their job easy. Another great thing to do, that oozes “serious blogger” is to also attach your media kit.
3.Link to other resources or content on your site
This gets visitors clicking around your site and having them stay a little bit longer! You can link to related content or to some of your freebies that will help you offer them more value and in turn, grow your email list! I’ve linked to several other websites and to some of our own content throughout this blog post because I know some of you LOVE to go deeper into topics and take ACTION!
4.Link to others
It’s really cool being featured on someone else’s blog! I’m flattered and honoured every time someone mentions Mums With Hustle and it doesn’t matter if they are a blog with a small following or a large one. It’s the fact that someone finds what you do to be so valuable that they choose to share it with their tribe! When you link to others, they might share it, particularly if they aren’t TOO big in the blogging or biz world yet. Hey, even if they are, if your post is killin’ it they would probably LOVE to share it with their tribe on one of the social media platforms. Make sure to send a personal email or at the very least tag these featured accounts in your social media posts related to your piece, so that they know that they are featured.
5. Hustle in FB groups
Join valuable Facebook communities like Aussie Bloggers and Mums With Hustle. Both of these private groups often feature threads related to guest blogging and other forms of collaboration. Don’t just get in their promotions threads and drop your link and leave, be present, answer questions, build relationships in there. Become a trusted authority in the groups you are part of and people will seek you out!
6.Entice through your social media posts
Use a small part of your blog post as your social media caption to get your followers intrigued and wanting to read more!
7.Post the actual title of your piece as a text graphic on social media
If you're not a designer but you want to create great looking tiles for your Instagram, FB or blog, I highly recommend that you use Canva to create yourself fab looking graphics. When you actually put the title of your blog post on your image, people will read it! Remember, users are madly scrolling through their very busy, very engaging feeds and it takes something obvious and different to get them to stop and look at yours! You want them to stop, you want them to read your caption because that will tell them about your post and then they can decide if they want to read the rest! To see how we use Canva here at Mums With Hustle and for our video walk through, click here.
8.Promote your posts more than once
You worked hard on that piece. Don’t just tell your followers about it once. Promote it in a few different ways throughout the week. Email your subscribers, share it on FB, on Insta or what ever social media platform you love. Share it once you’ve published it to your site and continue to share it every few weeks/months. Using Post Planner for FB is a great way to plan and schedule posts. Remember, it’s great to post on FB 3-5 times a day, so repromoting those blog posts will come in handy! Also, you’re not spamming. Not everyone is online at that exact moment as you nor may they have the time to drop what they’re doing and read you post the first time you told them about it AND I can guarantee you that your followers change and so does your reach, so go for it! Share away!
9.Put out content consistently
When you decide to start blogging, you are making a commitment to yourself and your audience that you will deliver consistent and valuable content. Great content delivered consistently is the ultimate key to a successful blog. You can have the best looking blog out there with all the new amazing features and fireworks but if you don’t have great content, people will never visit and definitely never return. You need to focus on creating content that is truly valuable and then deliver that content at the same time each week/month without fail.
10.Use a CTA
That stands for, Call To Action. Put simply, what is the purpose of your blog post? What do you want readers to do once they’ve read it? Share. Comment. Download your resource. Buy. Join your mailing list. Every post MUST end with a Call To Action. If you don’t tell them what to do, they’ll do nothing.
11.Capitalise on trending topics (if you can)
If you know that there is a particular hot topic amongst your followers at the moment, get on it and write them a post while their interest is there! Tip: use the calendar year and significant events to plan some popular blog posts!
12.Use the link in your bio on Insta
ALWAYS link to your blog post or your website and tell your followers to go there in your caption. If you don’t tell them to, they won’t! You have to invite them to.
13.Think creatively for headlines
Coschedule headline analyser is something you can check out, right now, for FREE, that will help you attract, engage, and connect with the audience/customer you are trying to reach. It’s an online tool that will analyse any headline you type into it. I seriously use this tool several times a week and I think you’ll love it too. So what makes a catchy headline? Captivating headlines are those that get the balance right between common and uncommon words, emotive words and power words. The length of your headline and the amount of words is another factor in determining the success of your click throughs. When you get these things right you’ll see an increase in engagement, social shares, traffic and search engine ranking.
Blogger or not, if the thought of writing kinda makes you cringe, you NEED to listen to my podcast with Marissa Batty.
You can’t escape it, at one point or another, you will be required to write creatively in some way for your biz, whether it’s your ‘About Us’ page, a social media post, an email or creating a webinar…it has to happen! We all have to write so we need to up-skill ourselves.
1. Tips for writing creatively
2. How to structure a blog
3. How to write authentically
4. How to define your target audience
5. How to craft a social media post
6. How to write an effective email marketing campaign
Check out the podcast here:
I’ve even created a FREE guide for you. It my “10 Simple Steps to Writing Quality Blog Posts Every Time!”
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Hope you enjoyed my 13 Simple Ways to Boost Your Blog and found at least one you can action right now!
Tracy (AKA Mum Boss at Mums With Hustle)

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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