4 Essential Daily Habits of Super Confident Biz Mums
4 Essential Daily Habits of Super-Confident Biz Mums
How would you like to face the challenges of a Biz Mum day, like a boss?
We all think confident women are awesome, but do you know what’s really exciting? When you get that they don’t just ‘wake up this way’. They’ve developed a set of habits to ensure that they’re operating at their most confident. And that’s exciting because, when we accept this, we then realise that these levels of confidence are available to us ALL!
Well guess what? WE know their secrets and we’d love to share them with you right now!
So here are the 4 Essential Daily Habits of Super-Confident Biz Mums:
1. Dream Baby Dream!
Confident Biz Mums know that it is essential to keep a clear and positive vision of what their business is all about. We know this can be difficult, especially if you’re a work-from-home super-mum who often has to step over piles of washing just to get to her ‘biz’ space. It’s so easy to get lost in the details and day-to-day challenges, so maintaining your focus will always help you keep your eye on your business ‘why’…(even in those moments when your eyes might need prizing open from a serious lack of zzzz’s).
How To Hints:
- Have a vision board of your goals, dreams and desires that you can look at as soon as you are ready to kick off your workday. Raid the kids’ craft cupboard, cut inspiring pics out of magazines and glue your little heart out. Maybe even include an image of an empty washing basket – every mum’s greatest (but most unattainable) desire!
2. Dance It Out
Ok…so it’s no secret that physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that leave you feeling happier and more confident. You know this, right? But, here’s something new! I’m not going to tell you to make sure you find time to fit in 30 minutes of exercise a day. If you can, great – but being a super busy Biz Mum sometimes makes this hard to do (and enormous amounts of guilt and disappointment often follow). Instead, do what I do – improvise! I’ve worked out how to get the same much-needed hormone hit and mood boost that comes from a good workout… without leaving the house! I’ve named it the Rock’n Playlist and I’ve now become a huge fan of the revolutionary ‘10 minute, seriously high-energy living room dance party’. Honestly, you’ll love it… and so will the family!
How To Hints:
- Create a playlist of your absolute favourite tunes and have it ready on all your smart devices. Once a day (preferably in the morning) blast those rock’n tunes out loud… and just jump around and dance. 10 minutes really is all you need. Your heart will pump, your happy hormones will release and you will feel ready to tackle the day!
3. Don’t Believe Everything You Think!
For me, this is the most important thing to remember if you want to be (and stay) confident. The voice in your head can (and will) make or break your day. It must be strictly managed and this is a MUST HAVE habit of all confident women. What you are saying to yourself every second of every waking moment will have a massive impact on your confidence AND…wait for it…if that annoying little voice is left unchecked, it will ultimately just talk a whole lot of crap! Most of what it says is actually based on your limiting beliefs, fears, past experiences and that habit most of us have of beating ourselves up. It’s not reality but sometimes we believe it is – and that’s SO dangerous!
Confident women strictly manage the self-talk as they know how vital it is to their success. There’s a popular belief that your mindset is responsible for 80% of your success and confident biz mums must learn to harness this skill more than anything.
How To Hints:
- My fail-safe technique is to always be armed with my affirmations. I might have a particular one that I am focused on for that month but I know I can always go back to the 6 powerful affirmations that changed my life (which you can download as a free printable below). Incessant repetition of these power statements can override any negative self-talk that might be trying to take hold. Try it, you’ve got nothing to lose but oh so much to gain!
4. Connect with those that say ‘YOU CAN’
Confident women (especially confident Biz Mum’s) know that their success depends on who they are surrounded by, so they focus on having positive, like-minded people around them daily. Who you talk to daily really matters!
There is no shortage of people who live in fear, who want to tell you how bad the world is and how difficult it is to get ahead. It’s literally a constant blah blah blah! But, it doesn’t need to be that way. There are plenty of strong-minded, positive, amazing women all around you, doing lots of wonderfully inspiring things – you just have to make the effort to find them and connect with them.
Take the Mum’s With Hustle Biz Club for example! It’s awesome and filled with positive, inspiring Biz Mums that are really making a go of it. There are plenty of You Can’s in that group and I am always thankful to be a part of it.
How To Hints:
- If you’re a Biz Mum and you’re not part of Tracy’s Biz Club Facebook Group, then get your butt over there quickly and join. It’s awesome!
- Strategically bring the Can Do’ers of the world into your day! You could organise a Mastermind Group with some local biz mums, have a regular coffee date with a super positive friend or even arrange a quick mid-morning call with an amazing woman where the sole purpose is to bedazzle each other’s vibe! Confidence will always follow after an inspiring and uplifting catch-up with a fabulous friend.
And there you have it, 5 essential habits that can change your life (and your confidence levels) forever. They may sound simple but the effects that they will have on your mood and your outlook, will be incredible!
So what are you waiting for? Now’s the time to start your evolution into a stronger and more confident YOU!
Meet Jodie
Jodie Bruce-Clarke is an author, speaker and coach specialising in helping women increase their confidence. She is the co-owner of Rise Women and her book ‘Pumped: Confidence Techniques that will have you Standing Taller in the World’ is a ‘must-read’.
Website – www.risewomen.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/risewomen1/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/risewomen/

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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