Unlocking Your Soul's Fingerprint To Create A Business With Heart
I'm all about leading with heart and passion in life and business. There comes a time in your life when you have to unlock your soul's fingerprint and find your purpose so you can truly live out the life you were destined to lead.
Today's episode of the Mums With Hustle Podcast is going to help you tap into that magic and truly help you figure out what your purpose is in business.
Today's guest is Shar Moore. Shar is a renowned International Keynote Speaker, Multi-International Award-Winning Mentor, Author and CEO/Founder of YMag®, the first National publication of it's kind dedicated to empowering YOU to find your “Y”, your purpose and passion in life. Shar has dedicated her life to helping people realize their innate abilities and overcome the obstacles to success many of us put in our own way.
She is an accomplished, compelling and much sought-after speaker, helping people build or re-create a business from the ground up in order to finally enjoy the success and happiness they deserve.
During this episode, Shar is sharing her best tips to help you find your genius zone, grow an incredible community, and she's spilling all the details on her upcoming YFactor Gold Coast event.
1. Introducing Shar!
There's nothing more incredible and inspiring than hearing a story about a woman overcoming many odds to rise as a successful entrepreneur. Ah, I've got goosebumps just thinking about Shar's journey!
Key Points We Discussed:
Who is Shar Moore?
What is Shar's biz journey?
How did Shar found her biz?
2. Finding Your Purpose and Knowing Your Why
You can do anything and everything you put your mind to, if you find your purpose and know your why. Shar's sharing so much information in this section to help you find your genius zone!
Key Points We Discussed:
How did Shar find her purpose?
How can you find your purpose?
What is your genius zone?
What are some questions women in business can answer to find insights into their genius zone?
- What did the teachers used to say on your report card that you were naturally good at?
- Think back to when friends/family ask you for help, what is the main thing they come to you for?
- If there was a natural disaster and they asked you – quick how can you help with the skills you have – what would you say?
Did Shar's why come first or her how?
How does your why serve you in entrepreneurship?
3. Growing Your Tribe
Shar and her team at YMag have grown an incredible community full of authentic and passionate business owners. I had to pick her brain and get her to spill all the deets on her YTribe and how she grew such an engaged tribe.
Key Points We Discussed:
What is the YTribe?
Why should you know your tribe?
4. YFactor – Gold Coast
I’m so excited to be a Key Note Speaker at the YFactor Gold Coast event in October where I'm teaching about all things Instagram. This event is going to be so amazing and perfect if you want to scale your business, use social media to your advantage, and allow your intuition to guide you through life and biz.
Key Points We Discussed:
What can women expect to get out of this amazing two day event?
- Strategies on scaling up your businesses
- Tips on how to grow a movement on Facebook
- Ways to grow a loyal following on Instagram
- The ability to use your intuition to guide you through your business day and in life
Describe how women will feel as they leave the event?
In what way does YFactor focus on the holistic approach to business?
Huge thanks to Shar for coming onto the podcast! Isn't she incredible? We had such a lovely conversation, and I'm so excited for the YFactor Gold Coast event coming up on October 13-14.
Feel free to DM me and let me know what your responses were to Shar's three questions to help you find your genius zone. If you're feeling brave, I want you to take a picture of yourself or your surroundings and tag me @mumswithhustle in your Instagram Stories telling me all about your genius zone!
Shar's super excited about the upcoming YFactor event taking place October 13-14 on the Gold Coast. If you want to grab your ticket do so by clicking the button below:
[button text=”Snag Your Tickets” url=”https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/yfactor-tickets-47199225153″ class=””]
Make sure you check out Shar's magazine at YMag!
Shar also has a BONUS for MWH Podcast listeners! She's offering you a month free in her effervescent closed Facebook group called the Shardonnay Way. To gain access, just request to join and mention this episode show and Shar will give you instant access.
Web: www.sharmoore.com.au | www.ymag.com.au
Facebook: @YMagGlobal
Instagram: @Shar_ywoman | @ymagglobal
Web: www.mumswithhustle.com
Facebook: @Mumswithhustle
Instagram: @mumswithhustle
Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
Okay, mama! I'm going to give it to you straight, 'cause you know that's what I'm about. Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach. I want to reach more hustling mamas that can add extreme value to our kick-ass tribe. Help a sister, out? I already love you forever, but I’d be extremely grateful if you would review me on iTunes!

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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