Going Live on Facebook: Strategies to Hack the Algorithm and Boost Engagement
In 2018, live-streaming is on trend to dominate the marketing world. Statistically, 80% of users would rather watch live video than engage with any other type of content. Plus, various news sources are stating that live video streaming will be a $70.5 billion industry by 2021. #TotallyCrazy
So, I've gotta ask you, lovely… How are you getting your live on?
If the thought of going live in front of your friends, family, and potential customers sort of terrifies you, I've got you covered!
Today, we're going to talk all about Facebook (FB) Live and overcoming any fears you might have when it comes to jumping on camera. Yep, FB Live is a surefire way to hack Facebook's algorithm and boost exposure, so your page and content are seen on the regular.
I'm pretty excited for today's episode because my guest is going to be teaching us how to use Facebook Live as a marketing strategy to help you leverage the FB algorithm for great and free organic reach!
Today's guest is, Allison Hardy. She is a Business Strategist for mumpreneurs. After raising 3 online businesses in 10 years, she's experienced it all: burn out, extreme highs, the lowest of lows. She now helps mumpreneurs raise their businesses while they are raising families, so they can live life on their own terms. She has quickly become known among her peers and mumpreneurs as an in-demand Facebook Live strategist with tons of tips and tricks.
Allison is a mum to Camden, a little boy named after a baseball stadium in the US. She's married to a pastor, and due to her husband's job, her little family (which is expected to grow by one more little!) moves around quite a bit. She is a hustlin' mumma, and I can't wait to dive in to the world of Facebook Live marketing with her!
Welcome to the virtual couch, Allison!
Get your pen and paper ready because you're going to want to take a bunch of notes! Allison is a wealth of knowledge, and I had such a fun time picking her brain to get you the best hacks and tips to make the most of Facebook Live. This episode is all about getting your strategy on. As always I've shared a quick recap below, but the true gems are saved for those ears of yours!
1. Introducing Allison!
Allison has a long and winding entrepreneurial journey that she was thrust into. Her story is totally amazing, and I'm so happy I got to chat with her since she's on the other side of the world in the U.S..
Key Points We Discussed:
Who is Allison Hardy?
What is Allison's biz journey?
How did Allison overcome her entrepreneurial burnout and go all in?
2. Allison's Love For Facebook Live
One thing I really loved about chatting with Allison, was that she was so excited and genuinely in love with talking about Facebook Live. In truth, Facebook Live is the number one way Allison has booked clients consistently over the past year, had more women download her freebies, and join her my Facebook group.
Key Points We Discussed:
What caused Allison to become such a Facebook Live enthusiast?
How did Allison finally figure out a Facebook Live marketing strategy that worked for her biz?
What does Allison love the most about Facebook Live?
- Allison loves its authenticity and how you can really leverage those live mom moments that helps to develop the “know, like, and trust” factor.
- Facebook Live humanizes you because it's real and it's live.
3. Overcoming Fears
As a bizmum, it can be terrifying and overwhelming to jump on FB Live. I get it! Public speaking is one of the most common fears for people.
Key Points We Discussed:
Do you have any techniques or strategies to recommend to mums who are nervous or afraid to begin utilising Facebook Live?
- SPOILER – Nothing great ever comes from your comfort zone. – Allison Hardy
What 5 actionable tips can Allison give to help you stay focussed on Facebook Live?
- Plan Ahead – Write yourself a script so that you are guided by dot points!
- Poll Your Audience – Poll your group or email your tribe asking them what topics they’d like you to discuss.
- Get Used To Pitching (AKA Use a CTA) – Don't ask them to “buy buy buy,” but rather ask your audience to take the next action. If you don’t ask, they won’t do it. It gets them used to taking action and that something you have to train your audience to do. Allison's recommended pitching formula is “Pitch three times (once in the middle and twice at the end).”
- Know Your Audience – You know the type of person you're talking to! Do they have the time to listen to shorter or longer Facebook Lives? Are they multi-tasking while they're watching? Keep your Lives between 5-20 minutes. If you know that your audience is multitasking while watching your broadcast (let’s face it, who’s not?) and if you know that they are time poor (let’s face it, who isn’t?), then try to aim for between 5 and 20 minute broadcasts. 5 minute broadcasts can be a quick tip and 20 minute broadcasts are more lengthy teaching style lives that allow you to get through 3-4 points.
- Be Consistent – Commit to going live X amounts of times per week at X time and stick to it!
4. Hacking The Facebook Algorithm
More eyes on our content and Facebook page? Yes, please! We want the Facebook Algorithm to love us! In this section, Allison is going to teach us all about the algorithm and how to hack it!
Key Points We Discussed:
What 4 things does Facebook’s algorithm like?
- Facebook Live – Every single person in your group or your friends list will get a notification that you're doing a Facebook Live.
- Facebook Share Button – Share your Facebook live while it's happening because this will make your views skyrocket. Every time you share content, Facebook recognizes it as valuable. The more shares, the better!
- Engagement – The more comments and likes you get on something, the more it will be posted in the Newsfeed. The Newsfeed is curated and based on popular content. Tell people to engage on your posts!
- Consistency – Make sure you're doing a Facebook Live regularly, get people to share it, and engage. As long as your consistent, Facebook will love you.
Allison is offering $100 off her Facebook Live Intensive Program with the promo code MWH!
I absolutely loved chatting with Allison about Facebook Live! I've learned so much, and I'm giddy to hack the Facebook algorithm. Thanks, Allison!!
Allison's Final Tip:
Everyone has an entrepreneur inside of them. Embrace the crazy and don't strive for perfect.
This episode is proudly brought to you by my brand new, epic freebie! It is my Instagram Stories strategy pack. It contains my exact and prove formula for driving traffic, capturing more leads, and generating more sales by using Instagram Stories. Yep, I'm giving you my secret formula!
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Allison has a lot of huge plans on the horizon. She is planning on beefing up her Facebook Live Intensive Course, creating a high-level mastermind for mumpreneurs who want to automate, and launching another round of her best-selling group coaching program!
Web: www.allisonhardy.com
Facebook: @allisonhardy2015
Instagram: @allison_hardy_
Facebook Group: The Mompreneur Community
Web: www.mumswithhustle.com
Facebook: @Mumswithhustle
Instagram: @mumswithhustle
Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
Okay, mama! I'm going to give it to you straight, 'cause you know that's what I'm about. Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach. I want to reach more hustling mamas that can add extreme value to our kick-ass tribe.
I'll make this deal even sweeter with a monthly prize – if you use the hashtag #MWHTRIBE when leaving your review, you will be automatically entered to win my Ultimate Instagram Pack (3 guides all about Instagram at a $97 value!).
Ready to help a sister, out? I already love you forever, but I’d be extremely grateful if you would review me on iTunes!

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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