MWH 390 : You Can’t Outsource Effort (5 Zones of Business Development)
On this episode of the Mums With Hustle podcast, I’m walking you through the 5 zones of business development and why you can’t outsource effort whilst building your beautiful business and working your way towards a freedom filled life!
5 Zones of Business Development
Listen to this episode to learn more about the following 5 Zones of Business Development:
- Zone One: Comfort Zone
The comfort zone is a familiar and risk-averse state that can hinder growth. It's important to recognize and move out of this zone to achieve progress in your business. - Zone Two: Learning Zone
The learning zone is where you acknowledge knowledge and skill gaps. Although it may be overwhelming, persisting in this zone is vital for building a successful business. - Zone Three: Experimenting and Executing Zone
In this zone, you put your learning into action and experiment with different strategies to find what works best. Embracing experimentation and overcoming fear of failure is necessary for progress. - Zone Four: Zone of Growth
The growth zone brings rewards from hard work and lessons learned. Celebrate achievements whilst remaining open to continued growth and improvement. - Zone Five: Zone of Scaling
The scaling zone offers more freedom and success. It involves optimizing what works, improving processes, and investing in leadership and innovation.
Remember that success isn't about how fast you progress through these zones but about your unwavering commitment to keep moving forward with effort and hard work. Embrace the journey, celebrate every milestone, and stay true to your vision of a freedom-filled business and life.
I would love to hear from you! If you have identified your zone and would like to share, feel free to email me at or DM me on Instagram @mumswithhustle. I always welcome your feedback, reviews, and requests for future topics to explore!
Until next week, stay happy in your hustle.
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Mums With Hustle® Podcast Community By Tracy Harris: @mumswithhustle
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About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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