MWH Spotlight with Amanda Vanelderen of WorkWords
MWH Spotlight with Amanda Vanelderen of WorkWords
Welcome to the blog Amanda from WorkWords! We’re thrilled to have you here sharing your journey on the MWH Spotlight!
Describe yourself in 3 words
My husband says ‘force of nature.’ I say hectic, loving, curious.
How do you juggle being a Mum and having a biz?
With great difficulty. Some days I feel I’ve smashed it out of the park, some days I feel like a failure who’s letting her kids down.
Without daycare, a fabulous cleaner, fresh meal delivery, ABC Kids and a healthy disregard for household organisation, my business wouldn’t exist.
Truth is, some days I don’t juggle it. Some days just suck, I call these ‘get through’ days. Sometimes they last a week. Just get through, put each foot in front of the other and things will get better.
Tell us about your biz and WHY you do what you do
I started WorkWords in 2016 – a big name for a solo business as a freelance copywriter, branding and communications specialist. It’s thriving, and I have post natal depression (PND) to thank for it all.
Any mum who has experienced PND can tell you its sneaky. Despite having seen it off after my first baby and being on the lookout for it again, it still got me after bub number 2.
Glued to the lounge breastfeeding my beautiful little girl, I started watching the renovation channel. My PND took hold with me sanding and painting half of our house, and ripping up carpets for new flooring. When the house was finished, I burst into tears, realised I had PND and started to get better (with help). It may sound strange, but seeing the PND take hold despite consciously trying to prevent sparked an epiphany. Life is short and we’re in charge of our own happiness – it was time to running from what I wanted. Three weeks later, with no plan to speak of, I registered my business name.
Why writing?
Because I’ve never wanted to do anything else. I was born with a typewriter in my hands, awkward for my mum, convenient for me. I love finding the words to connect with an audience – making them feel they’re not alone, that they’re part of something. Whatever you’re selling, from a big idea to a specific product or service, it feels good to get it right.
If you could go back in time and offer advice to your former entrepreneur-self what would you say?
Don’t feel like working for yourself is something other people do, and it’s too frivolous for you. Don't be afraid and don’t feel that having a nice, solid, secure job is enough if your heart wants something else. You are good enough. Success or failure, you are loved.
What does success mean to you?
Happy kids, happy family. Money’s good, too. It doesn't make the world go round, but it sure greases the wheels.
What has been your hardest lesson learned?
Lots of mums get started in business, so they’re around for the kids. But if you run your own business, you never switch off. Even on a holiday or a rare day off. I don’t get the mix right every day, but I try, and that counts for something.
Finish this sentence – If I wasn’t my own boss right now I’d be…
Working hard in my corporate role, telling myself it was enough, but daydreaming on the bus about getting paid to write about something new every day.
What are you most proud of to date?
My family. Being a booked out business writer who gets real results for clients. What a buzz to know something I wrote helps someone else build their business and live the life they want.
Fun facts about you:
Facebook or Instagram? Facebook for the family connections.
Favourite TV show? Black Mirror
Coffee or tea? Coffee as necessity, tea for relaxation
Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling? Gosling. He is my everything.
A random fact about yourself….
I was born at home and delivered by my 14 year old sister
Meet Amanda!
Amanda is a copywriter, branding and communication specialist. Her idea of a good time is writing taglines, websites and product descriptions. She writes for agencies, big brands, small businesses and not-for-profits on everything from IT to acupuncture.
Website: WorkWords
Instagram: @workwords
Facebook: @WorkWords

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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