MWH Spotlight with Jacquelyn Dixon of Curvy Chic Sports
MWH Spotlight with Jacquelyn Dixon of Curvy Chic Sports
Welcome to the blog Jacquelyn from Curvy Chic Sports! We’re thrilled to have you here sharing your journey on the MWH Spotlight!
Tell us about your biz and WHY you do what you do
I fell into Plus Size when in another business we had a number of requests/comments from customers saying how hard it was to find nice plus size sportswear. I do it because I care deeply that everyone has the right to feel good about themselves. I hate that people feel less because of size, race… . With Lowanna via our use of designs and stories provided by artist Safina Stewart we can include information about Indigenous symbolism and help raise awareness of the totems of Australia
How do you juggle being a Mum and having a biz?
By acknowledging that it is a juggle and (trying) to allocate time to needs based on priority at that moment, being extremely organised so that if anything unexpected crops up it can be slotted in, by doing tasks as they come up (and anticipating them) not leaving them till later or the last minute.
If you could go back in time and offer advice to your former entrepreneur-self what would you say?
I am not sure that I would ever want to change/do things differently that have happened in my past as they have all lead me to where I am with the knowledge that I have now. I have always had confidence that I need very little and can start from nothing and have the ability to do which I think gives me a belief that it is an exciting journey regardless of what happens along the way. For me the right people always appear at the right time and have always done so.
What does success mean to you?
Empowering others to grow, be confident, have belief in themselves and their abilities. Doing something that makes life easier/better/more efficient – brings joy. Ultimately though success means achieving without sacrificing. Yes, we all juggle but if I can blend and balance my needs with those of my family and friends, then I have success.
What has been your hardest lesson learned?
When I was 14 I really wanted to be an exchange student. As part of the application my mother had to write a letter about me supporting my application. She gave me the letter to read before she sent it. While the majority was complimentary she mentioned that I had a fierce temper if I saw injustice or wrong doing. My application was not successful (probably because of this) however her letter made me think about and change the way I responded to things/situations.
Finish this sentence – If I wasn’t my own boss right now I’d be…
The most valuable contractor any one has ever hired!
What are you most proud of to date?
My daughter (13) is a wonderful child – equipped to deal with the world, hardworking, funny, enjoys and lives life.
Describe yourself in 3 words
Happy, lucky, blessed
Fun facts About You:
Facebook or Instagram? I hate social media and only am on it for work
Favourite TV show? I don’t watch TV as my husband and daughter hog it
Coffee or tea? COFFEE
Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling? Ummm would have to google to see who they are. You should have picked The Rock or Beau Ryan – now that would have been a hard choice!
A random fact about yourself….
I worked for Vodafone in the UK when mobile phones cost around 4000 GBP!!!! Imagine that ☺
Meet Jacquelyn
Jacquelyn was born in New Zealand and originally studied to be an accountant. After realising this wasn't in-fact her calling, Jacquelyn moved to the United Kingdom and ended up staying 11 years where she worked in many corporate roles. After landing in Australia, settling down, getting married and having children, Jacquelyn found her passion – Plus Sized Sports and Swimwear.
Jacquelyn is the very happy and passionate founder of Curvy Chic Sports.
Web: www.curvychicsports.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/curvychicsports
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CurvyChicSports

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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