MWH Spotlight With Lucy Of Baby Berry Collective
MWH SPOTLIGHT WITH Lucy OF baby berry collective
Welcome to the blog Lucy from Baby Berry Collective! We’re thrilled to have you here sharing your journey on the MWH Spotlight!
Describe yourself in 3 words
Organised, dedicated, kind
How do you juggle being a Mum and having a biz?
For me, it all comes down to time management. I’ve always been an incredibly organised person, even prior to having children and my own business (can’t help it!). So by ensuring I know what I’m doing and when I’m doing it, I always find that it makes for an easier day. It means I can really focus on being a great mum and I can flick the switch and get into biz gear during the times I’ve allocated for that too. Win win!
Tell us about your biz and WHY you do what you do
Baby Berry Collective is an online directory showcasing all kinds of amazing baby, kids & mama products from across Australia and New Zealand. It’s a place where parents will definitely find all the ‘hot’ spots to shop, as well as inspiration and ideas that help us in this journey of parenthood! We have a panel of experts, curated to become your parenting BFF's who inform, educate and inspire you. Plus we run amazing giveaways too!
I do what I do because I absolutely LOVE being able to help others. When I was a new mum, I never knew where to shop. I wanted to create a hub where people could come and know that they’d find what they’re looking for in one spot. Hence our online directory was born!
If you could go back in time and offer advice to your former entrepreneur-self what would you say?
I’d tell myself to enjoy all the down time! At the moment, I find that every spare second I have when I’m not with my children, I’m working on my business. I have so many ideas of what else I want to do with it, so it’s all encompassing. So going back in time, I’d tell myself to really, truly enjoy those moments of silence and spare time! And I’d read more. I’d make time to read more books.
What does success mean to you?
Success to me means a couple of things. Firstly, I feel successful when I love what I do. When I’m really truly enjoying my day. Both as a mum and as a business owner. And secondly, I feel successful when I’m helping others. So with Baby Berry Collective, when a client emails me saying they were able to sell certain products that I was helping them promote, then that’s a wonderful feeling of success. The same goes for helping parents find what they’re looking for. If it’s a success for them from using our directory, then that’s success for me too!
What has been your hardest lesson learned?
That everyone’s time commitments aren’t always the same. We are all leading busy lives and we all are juggling many different things, especially as mums!!
Finish this sentence – If I wasn’t my own boss right now I’d be…
Unable to afford daycare!? LOL! I’d probably still be my own boss!! I have always been determined to work for myself.
What are you most proud of to date?
Professional – the number of great business connections I’ve established in both Australia and New Zealand.
Personal – my 2 children.
Baby Berry Collective also has a secret page on their website jam packed full of incredible discount codes especially for you to use! Head to their Exclusive Offers page to access it – it’s something you check back in with whenever you want, so you can keep up to date with various ways to save money while you’re shopping!
Just last week Baby Berry Collective added a brand new directory to their website – the YOUR directory. They did it because they want to help you save time when you’re searching for gifts! You can find beautiful businesses who sell accessories, clothing, beauty, homewares, stationery and loads of stunning gifts. Treat yo’self or buy presents for others!
Fun facts About You:
Facebook or Instagram? Both Facebook & Instagram
Favourite TV show? Scandal
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling? Ryan Gosling!
A random fact about yourself….
I taught English in South Korea for one year!
Meet Lucy!
Lucy is the founder of Baby Berry Collective. Baby Berry Collective is an online directory showcasing all kinds of amazing baby, kids & mama products from across Australia and New Zealand. It’s a place where parents will definitely find all the ‘hot’ spots to shop, as well as inspiration and ideas that help in this journey of parenthood!
Website: www.babyberrycollective.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/babyberrycollective
Facebook: www.facebook.com/babyberrycollective

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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