Why Would Anyone Be Interested In What You Have To Say
Tracy Harris : Teacher, Blogger and Online Entrepreneur
MWH 155 : Why Would Anyone be Interested in What You Have to Say
I often refer to authentic marketing or humanising your brand on IG and how it is more important now than ever. You need to get comfortable sharing who you are in your business and how that might look on IG. A lot of people are starting to understand this, but they're struggling to move past the barriers of fear which is showing up in all sorts of ways.
Mainly in the form of a lack of confidence with content and thinking, “Why would anyone be interested in what I have to say, after all it's just little ol' me.”
In today's podcast I'm sharing WHY your tribe IS interested in what you have to say.
In this mini-training, we're working on your mindset surrounding your confidence on Instagram so you feel more comfortable sharing who you are!
1. Break Through The Barriers
I'm always telling my tribe to humanise their brand by sharing their story, their truth and to begin bringing humility to their marketing on Instagram and across all of their online marketing. However, there is always a huge resistance when it comes to actually showing up on IG and sharing your story because of a lack of confidence. In this section, I discuss several pieces of resistance that are holding you back and how you can start communicating with confidence.
Key Points I Discussed:
What pieces of resistance are holding you back?
Why do you need to realise that you are not your thoughts?
How to focus on serving your audience?
2. Connection Points
When we humanise our brands, we stop being humanless entities and we start opening ourselves up for connections! You are worthy of sharing your story with other people! Don't withold information that could help just one person because your story is the start of connection points.
Key Points I Discussed:
Get ready for a mini-exercise! What are the steps to the mini-exercise?
- Write a list of your favorite Instagram accounts.
- Ask yourself why you follow them.
Why should you build an emotional connection?
What are the benefits of forming emotional connections with your tribe?
Some biz mum shoutouts:
- Jewels from Milk and Cookies – @milkandcookiesbyjewels
- Jazze from The Calm Compound – @thecalmcompound
- Kate from Heritage Blankets – @heritageblankets
- Tash Guthrie from The Ambitious Mother – @tash_guthrie
- Amy from Playful Little Learners – @playfullittlelearners
3. Take Action
You know I'm one of those online educators that want you to take action, so let's get ACTIONABLE.
Think of three things that people could have an emotional connection with you about. Write those three things down and take a picture or just DM me to tell me what they are.
Let's get you flexing your confidence muscle!
If you do take action, take a picture or speak to your camera in your IG Stories and tell me the three connections you want to share with your audience. Make sure you tag me @mumswithhustle, so I can champion you!
This episode of the Mums With Hustle Podcast is brought to you by my online academy, The Social Method Society. We are opening the doors to The Social Method Society for a few short days from November 13.
Don’t miss out of what hundreds of women are already accessing to build the business of their dreams and create the life they desire! Join the waitlist for the next intake of my Social Method Society.
Don't forget to sign up now for my FREE Instagram Training:
[button text=”Register Now” url=”https://mumswithhustle.mykajabi.com/p/instagram-training” class=””]
Web: www.mumswithhustle.com
Facebook: @Mumswithhustle
Instagram: @mumswithhustle
Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
Okay, mama! I'm going to give it to you straight, 'cause you know that's what I'm about. Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach. I want to reach more hustling mamas that can add extreme value to our kick-ass tribe. Help a sister, out? I already love you forever, but I’d be extremely grateful if you would review me on iTunes!
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About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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