Find a gap in the market and just go with it – With Marisa McDougall (Lyla & Gene)
Tell us about the first steps you took in starting your business?
Starting an online store has always been a goal of mine. I would say it to my husband all the time! The idea to stock kids swimwear came when I was on the hunt for swimwear for my kids and the range at the bigger retail outlets was just so limited. I did some research into swimwear brands and importing and the idea just flowed from there. I put myself out there emailing brands to stock their products. Once I had a few brands on board I set up the website and began to advertise on social media. I just jumped in head first and I'm glad I did!
What is a personal habit that you believe contributes to your success?
My success is continuing to grow as I am still a relatively new business. My OCD tendencies and time management helps me to stay on track and on top of everything! I am constantly observing and analysing the way people respond to my posts and products to see if I'm heading in the right direction! Being a nurse by trade I am use to working by the clock and making sure I get things done on time!
Give us 3 tips on how to use Instagram like a boss!
- Post daily! I like to make sure I post a product or image each day to keep my business out there!
- Hashtag the beejeezy out of your post! Its a good way to get recognised
- Show your support of other businesses by commenting and being involved. Its nice to let others know they are doing a great job!
How do you balance #mumlife and business life?
Sometimes its a juggle raising two kids, working part-time as a nurse, starting a new business and cant forget good ol' hubby in there too! Business life is usually at night once the kids are in bed or early in the morning before they wake! Sometimes I can combine mumlife and business life by taking the kids to the beach while they wear lyla&gene and I photograph them in action! I also like to talk to them about my business and what I'm doing to make it happen.
What one piece of actionable advice would you give someone just starting out?
Success doesn't happen overnight, it happens over time with hard work and commitment. When I launched the website I expected orders to come flooding in then realised I had to work at getting my name out there first! I think take the plunge you wont regret doing it!
A Mum with Hustle you admire and why
There are so many mums on Insta that I admire! I especially admire the mummas with hand made goods! Such amazing creative souls that put so much love and time into their products. Faves are @zilvi_, @kobyandthefox, @prettyinpine, @topknotgirl_
Connect up with Lyla & Gene on:
Instagram – @lylaandgene

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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