Know your limits and reach out. Success is in community with Eve Khoe (MOMKBABY)
Tell us about the first steps you took in starting your business?
I wanted my son to wear cool shoes that won’t fall off his feet. I like high tops, lace ups and all kind of shoes but it all fall off from his tiny feet. So I decided to make them. I have never sewn before in my whole life, but I believed I could. I am quite a crafty person and I just love creating and making stuff. I always love handmade, because of the amount of time and dedication to a product. So I googled some booties patterns and keep modifying them until I was satisfied with it. So that was it. I was a workaholic before and I had nothing to do besides being a mum. Since then, I decided to make this hobby my biz, to keep me busy, it took off from there and i just love making em. They are so so tiny, especially the newborn size. Best of all, I can be busy while taking care of my son 24*7. The best job ever!
What is a personal habit that you believe contributes to your success?
Hardwork!!! Keep trying and never give up. Also if you made a mistake, take that as a road that will make you better. Be honest to yourself is very very important.
Give us 3 tips on how to use Instagram to boost business
1. Think of your product as a brand, think big like looks, colors and mood. Here you are trying to make a brand not just selling products. Once you got this on your mind. You need to take a good photography. It is very very important for the photos to look clean and set your brand mood. You don't need a good camera for it, just use your iPhone and some editing program. If you have extra money, you can invest in a lightbox (100$). This will save you especially if you are taking photos during winter where everything will look so dull.
2. Get connected to your audience. Also get connected with other small biz. Connections are crucial. Get some of your loyal fans and bloggers to help you boost the brand too. This will help your brand grows.
3. Spend time on IG. I know we mamas sometime doesn't have the time to do it. But if you are growing your biz, try to spend time at least 30mins, and not more than 5 hours haha. You will need to sleep, eat and work. So don't get too hooked up, but spending time there is important. It is like, you need to be in the field to get noticed 🙂
How do you balance #mumlife and business life?
As I wrote earlier, don't get too hooked up with IG also with work. We mamas have other responsibility to do, a lot of them. It is very important to get that balance. Recently I applied this “no screens” when bub is awake, so i can play and focus on him. I have applied not to be on IG during the weekend too, so it is literally family time and I am so focus there. Unless there's a commitment (giveaway and such) that will need your time to be online. Set an alarm so you don't forget, then after you post, just put away the phone again. This has worked so great for me and my family. Do what is best for you, work things around. I am pretty sure you can get the best schedule for you and your biz.
It is important to know your limit. Do not try to do something that you can't. Get some help if you can, but if you can't, limit your product or quantity. It is actually better since you can be more productive instead of forcing it to happen.
What one piece of actionable advice would you give someone just starting out?
Starting a new biz needs a big commitment. Think about something outside the box and do your research homework. Know your competitors. And try your best to create something that has never been done before. I know it sounds easy, but it is actually not easy to come up with something that has never been seen or known before. But trust me, it will be worth it.
What is the point to have the same product design as the others. We need to be unique then your fans will follow and they will be loyal too. It is very very easy and seems common to copy other people's design. But whatever you do, don't do that. Those makers and creators had worked very very hard to come up with what they have, and you can do it too. Just need time and tweaking and researching and love and dedication 🙂 You needs lots and lots of love in creating a product. Don't be afraid in making a mistakes. There is no success without failure. You can do it! And yes you can 🙂
A Mum with Hustle you admire and why
Holly from @topknotgirl_ / This mama helped me set up my big cartel shop! If she was not there guiding me, I don't think i will have an online shop until now haha. I started using IG only and just PayPal invoice. But since I have a shop, it is so much better! I owe this mama big time. She is also the nicest person I have ever known through IG. She is very very honest and I can't believe she has 2 kids and that amount of work. She is just unbelievable good in multitasking and so hardworking.
Another one is Nicole from @_zilvi / This mama started almost at the same time as me, she is funny and very very encouraging. Look how much she has grown!!!!! Her biz is on the TOP! And she is very very friendly and she has the best advice ever 🙂 I love this mama so so much. Very very inspiring! She works like crazy, so so hardworking. If I am feeling down, I will look at these two mamas, and I will say. I can do it too 🙂
Connect up with MOMK BABY:
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Facebook – momkbaby
Website – MOMKBABY
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About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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