Bringing your business idea to life : Fear is your friend
Well, I’m going to jump in and give you a heads up! Be prepared to go through a range of emotions. One moment you’ll be pumped and filled with butterflies (the good kind) and the next moment you’ll be filled with doubt. It’s kinda like being stuck in a washing machine or dunked in the surf! It’s so random because although I’m what I consider to the approaching the ‘end stages of the beginning’, I STILL find that, at times, my negative voice is bullying the positive me that is usually so strong.
For example, I don’t know why but going back to last month, I could not bring myself to broadcast to my family and friends that I was taking this leap. I had a Facebook post and an Instagram post ready to go and then nothing – (I actually went to bed without posting it and then did it the next night). Thing is, that whole day I was feeling great and ready to proclaim it to the world, until it came time to post.
Every time I find doubt and fear creeping in I just remind myself of the reason I started. Sure, I could take my entrepreneurial leap behind the confines of my home but I am going to be vulnerable and invite you all on the journey so that you can learn and grow too! It’s the teacher in me, see! After all, what good is knowledge if it isn’t shared. So, I think of the others that will benefit from my vulnerability and I also think of how tough I really am when I stop and consider that I grew a tiny human and pushed him out of my… (oh dear!) I sense a TMI coming on so I’ll stop there.
Another piece of advice. Action things when you are most brave. For me, it’s the morning! I tend to wake up pumped and fearless, so why not start then. Before you fall asleep at night write yourself a list of actions you must take the next day and action the ones you were most fearful about in your first moments of bravery! A bonus of actioning daunting tasks first is the high that comes with it. You know, that feeling you get when you accomplish something that seemed impossible. You’ll find that this act will actually motivate you and set you up with a positive mindset that will last the whole day!
Finally, it’s not about getting from A-Z in one go. Calm your farm! Instead, just focus on getting from A to B. Don’t get me wrong, it’s essential to have vision but remember to stay grounded. There’s great value in baby steps.
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it is to:
Identify when you feel most courageous. What time of day is it? Write down your ‘brave’ list and action them when you are feeling pumped!
To help you become a fearless hustler, download my ‘Brave List' PDF and start identifying the things that set your soul on fire! You know, those things you'd LOVE to do if failure was no option or if you had the means and the know-how. What truly excites you? These are the things that go on your ‘Brave List'. Be ready to be bold and remember to stick this list up somewhere where it is always visible to you. I'll be sharing more support tools along the way so watch this space! Ready. Set. Go.

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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