How To Make More Money Doing Less
Have you ever wondered how you can truly stay in flow as a mum in business? What would be possible for you if you had powerful ways of breaking through your mindset blocks to open yourself up to higher levels of income and impact, without it costing you your joy and without feeling like you're not being the best mother you can be?
Find out how in today's podcast episode!
I'm seriously so excited to get into today's episode because I'm chatting with such an incredible high-level entrepreneur who is constantly inspiring me to invite more chill into how I do business as Mum and entrepreneur.
Today's guest is Denise Duffield-Thomas! Denise is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of online female entrepreneurs. Her best-selling books “Lucky Bitch,” “Get Rich, Lucky Bitch,” and “Chillpreneur,” give a fresh and fun road-map to create an outrageously successful life and business.
During this episode, Denise is going to share what it takes to be a chillpreneur, how to stay in flow as a mum in business, and how to improve your money mindset!
Make sure you grab a pen and paper because you're going to want to take notes.
1. Introducing Denise!
Denise helps women release their fear of money, set premium prices for their services and take back control over their finances. She is also an award winning speaker, author and entrepreneur who helps women transform their Economy-Class money mindset into a First-Class life.
Key Points We Discussed:
Who is Denise?
What is Denise's biz journey?
How did Denise found her biz?
2. Being a Chillpreneur
Denise recently chosen her word of the year for 2019 to be “Chillpreneur” and I love that! It goes hand-in-hand with my word of the year “Ease”. In this section, Denise is sharing what being a Chillpreneur really is.
Key Points We Discussed:
What does Chillpreneur mean to Denise?
What is a Chillpreneur?
- A chillpreneur is someone who chooses the path of least resistance, who doesn’t try to be everything to everyone.
How can you be a Chillpreneur?
- Know thyself – know your personality. What makes you tick, what triggers your money blocks and what makes you feel good.
- Believe that there’s enough for everyone, including YOU.
3. Your Money Mindset
Mindset shifts surrounding confidence and comfortability allow women in business to open themselves up to higher levels of income and opportunity!
Key Points We Discussed:
What are some of the common money mindset blocks Denise often sees in women?
- “You have to work really hard to money.”
- “I can’t be successful AND a good mother.”
- “I can help people or make money – but not both”
What are Denise's top tips to breakthrough these mindset blocks in order to open yourself up to higher levels of income and impact?
What steps can women in business take to start making more money in their business?
- Get focused on income producing activities.
- Embrace passive income – even just small to start.
- Outsource and delegate – you CAN do it all yourself (you’re a mum after all) but you SHOULDN’T!
4. Staying In Flow
I have a feeling my listeners would love to know how Denise has managed to stay in flow as a mother and business woman. In this section, she's sharing the steps she takes to stay in flow!
Key Points We Discussed:
How does Denise recommend staying in flow as a mum in business?
- Get lots of help – as much as you can afford, borrow or beg.
- Don’t let your partner off the hook, even when your business isn’t make much money at first.
- Don’t feel guilty about building your biz – this is abundance for your family – and an outlet for you.
This episode of the Mums With Hustle Podcast is brought to you by The Social Method Society. It is an online marketing academy for women looking to start, grow, and scale profitable and heart-centered businesses on Instagram and beyond!
Don’t miss out of what hundreds of women are already accessing to build the business of their dreams and create the life they desire! Join the waitlist for the next intake of my Social Method Society.
Denise is super excited for her new book Chillpreneur.
[button text=”Get Your Copy of Chillpreneur” url=”” class=””]
Instagram: @denisedt
Facebook: @denisedt
Facebook: @Mumswithhustle
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Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
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About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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