Sleep Rituals For Tired Mums
Ah, sleep. What even is that once you have kids? I will be the first to admit that my relationship with sleep became a little skewed once I had my boys… I was burning the midnight oil to try and finish writing one more module, answer one more email – one more this, one more that.
#CanYouRelate? I bet you can.
Over the last couple of years, I seriously became so used to not getting enough sleep that it became my new norm. It's not the best way to live (certainly not the healthiest) and I know that other bizmums are in the same sleepy boat.
That's why I'm using this space to chat with my special guest all about sleep wellness, how to create rituals, and really make it a habit to get a great night's sleep.
Before we dive into the episode, I want to say high-five, sister! I'm so proud that you're taking the time to develop yourself professionally by listening to my podcasts. Practising self care in this hectic world as a mum is tough, but you are a true mother hustler.
So, I am really excited for today's conversation because we're covering a topic a mum with hustle would love to get more of… sleep!
Today's guest is Shea Morrison. After a busy corporate career and becoming a mum, Shea joined her best friend, Danielle on their dream journey. With a personal interest in the role of sleep in wellbeing, she realised the importance of creating a ritual before bed. All of her research has led her to a carefully curated product range, focussed on creating the perfect night time routine for a restful sleep.
During this episode, Shea is going to share her insider strategies and knowledge to help you create a sleep ritual, establish a great relationship with sleep, and get those z's, mama!
I hope you have drank your coffee and are ready to nod along because this episode is something that will really help you establish a better relationship with sleep, even if you have littles!
1. Introducing Shea!
As soon as I came across The Goodnight Co. I knew I had to have a chat with one or both of the ladies behind the brand. I had the pleasure of booking in Shea (1/2 of the power duo) and she's going to give us so much insight into how to create the perfect routine for a restful sleep.
Key Points We Discussed:
Who is Shea Morrison?
What is Shea's biz journey?
Why is it so important to actually get restful sleep?
How did Shea and Danielle found The Goodnight Co.?
2. Sleep Wellness
There is not a one-size fits all sleep model, so how do we understand sleep wellness intuitively for each of our own bodies? This is something I had to know the answer too!
Key Points We Discussed:
Define sleep wellness?
What criteria can we apply to know if we're on the right track to sleep wellness?
- You should be getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
How does sleep wellness help you manage stress and anxiety?
3. Benefits of Sleep
If your relationship with sleep is poor, don't fret! Shea will share a few ways to help you remedy your relationship with sleep, so it becomes a natural, healthy choice. Plus, we all know sleep is essential to our overall physical and mental health, but what other benefits can we reap from getting enough sleep? Listen to Shea as she dives deep into the benefits of sleep.
Key Points We Discussed:
How can mums fix their relationship with sleep?
- Establish a sleep ritual.
- Don't be on technology (phone, tablets, laptops, etc.) before bed.
- Meditate and relax before bed.
What are the benefits of sleep?
How can creating a sleep ritual prevent bizmums from burning the midnight oil to get more done?
What is Shea's sleep ritual?
- Soaking in a magnesium bath
- Cup of herbal tea
- Lighting a candle
- Reading a book
- A few squirts of magnesium oral spray
4. Sleep and Producitvity
Sleep and productivity is such a diverse area, but they both go hand-in-hand. In this section, Shea is going to connect the dots between health, sleep, productivity, and headspace!
Key Points We Discussed:
What are the direct links to sleep deprivation and work productivity?
- Bad communication
- Poor performance
- Distracted easily
- Poor memory
How can trouble sleeping lead to other problems?
Describe the long-term untreated sleep disorders are associated with?
- High blood pressure
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Obesity
- Depression and mood disorders
Shea is offering 20% off The Goodnight Co. products to Mums With Hustle podcast listeners with the special promo code “hustle 20”. Head on over to the store to see what goodies you can grab and incorporate into your very own sleep ritual!
[button text=”Shop Now” url=”” class=””]
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Shea recently launched an e-book, Sleep Cleanse that Arianna Huffington has endorsed, that has a ton of contributors with tips and recipes. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, Shea & Co. have just curated a Mother's Day Edit with some new essential oil diffusers that have arrived just in time!
Facebook: @thegoodnightco
Instagram: @thegoodnightco
Facebook: @Mumswithhustle
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Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
Okay, mama! I'm going to give it to you straight, 'cause you know that's what I'm about. Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach. I want to reach more hustling mamas that can add extreme value to our kick-ass tribe. Help a sister, out? I already love you forever, but I’d be extremely grateful if you would review me on iTunes!

About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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