MWH 237 : Boobs, Babies and Business – Why You Should Be Unapologetic As A Mum in Business with Pinky McKay
Can you believe that we’re halfway through 2020? What a year it’s proving to be. The beginning of this year has been crazy so far but one thing has remained true – we’re all still showing up, we’re serving our audiences, we’re contributing to our households and to our economies, we’re building business and we are uplifting one another in the process.
I just want to say if you have been one of the many lovely ladies who has left us a five star review on iTunes then, thank you so much!
Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes. The more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach so we can continue to empower incredible women in business and serve them so that they are able to design a life and business they love.
While we’re on the topic of podcast reviews, there’s one review I want to share today from Westborough Wicks.
They wrote, “Tracy’s podcasts are so incredibly inspiring, informative and engaging! The topics and speakers are so varied yet relevant and perfect for us mums who are juggling so much in this blessed life we’ve been given. Love how Tracy summarizes the key points at the end of the podcasts. I’ll definitely be following these podcasts regularly and hope to support other like-minded moms in our collective journeys!”
Thank you SO much for this five star review. I really do appreciate it, and it’s so true! We as mothers and entrepreneurs may be juggling a lot but we can still grow a REAL sustainable business.
And that’s what this week’s guest wants to share with you during this episode. You’ll probably will recognize her because she is one of Australia’s most respected and recognised breastfeeding and early parenting experts.
Let’s get into it!
About Pinky McKay
Pinky McKay is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and best-selling author of four titles, with more than 300,000 followers on social media. She specializes in gentle parenting styles that honour mothers’ natural instincts to respond to their babies.
To put it simply, her expertise is babies and boobs!
During this episode, we’re going to dive into all things motherhood and business because Pinky is a fierce and fearless female entrepreneur herself.
Advocate For Breastfeeding
Pinky is a mum of five. She grew up in New Zealand but moved to Melbourne when she got married. She had been a nurse and knew about breastfeeding but back in 1970s, only few people were breastfeeding. Lots of women back then were formula feeding.
A midwife gave her a book titled “The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding” and it was when everything started for her.
She found out that what works best for her and her baby when it comes to breastfeeding, depends on her own personal experience.
How She Started Her Business Around Breastfeeding
Pinky shared that it’s important for mums to find a support system. When she found hers, it impacted the way she works with mothers in her own business. She strongly believes that all mothers need love, kindness and acceptance wherever they are at.
When she was homeschooling her 4 older children, Pinky pivoted from nursing to advertising, copywriting and writing for magazines. About 10 years ago, she then went to an international workshop to train on how to be a coach. This was where it all started. She then branches out to tele-seminars and webinars.
More recently, she found that lactation consultant in private practice lacks in Australia so she set-up a coaching group.
Pinky shared that lactation consultants have to pass a stringent international exam and re-certify every 5 years – it can take less or longer to become one, depending on pathways / previous experience / study. Pinky said that people have to put so much time and money into it, but there isn’t a lot of support for them to do private practice. This is where she comes in and supports them to have their own businesses.
One of the women in Inner Circle Mastermind is also a lactation consultant and she’s got an online membership where she supports breastfeeding mothers. This is why I love the digital age so much. There’s never been a better time to be a mother and a business owner than right now despite what’s happening in the world.
I’ve listed 10 Ways You Can Grow Your Business In The Midst of Coronavirus here.
Pivoting Her 7-figure Business Into The New Normal
Pinky started her company Boobie Bikkies with $10,000. She didn’t reach 7 figures right away, but now, they are employing other women and supporting women in business. She shared that she got really strong and smart women on her team.
In light with what’s happening with Covid-19 and with everything going on, Pinky advises that it’s important to think about all of the facets in your business and to make sure that you’re doing okay.
She said that business owners should think about the planning and how to support their retailers and clients. She encourages to take one step at a time. It’s not gonna happen overnight, but with small steps consistently, you will be able to do it and pivot into the new normal.
Why You Should Be Unapologetic As A Mum in Business
As women in business, it’s both a privilege and a responsibility to be brave enough in this uncertain time, and to still market our business and sell.
We also have a responsibility to both our families and to people who work for us and their families. People can be uncomfortable with selling but know that money is not a bad thing. There won’t be any welfare if the economy stops.
Pinky shared that she received an email before saying, “Nice for you to create a dynasty out of suffering of others.” And she said that it’s so sexist, women should never pull down other women.
In my 5 years with Mums With Hustle, I also received a similar email. It was when I transitioned from doing one-on-one coaching to having a group coaching in Social Method Society so I can serve more women. When I got that email, I thought, “When we do that to each other, it means that you don’t believe it’s possible for you.”
I wanna see more women believing that it’s possible for them. I wanna see more women shifting from the thinking “Money is the root of all evil” or money and selling are bad, into a space of…
When good people make good money, good things happen with the world.
Good things happen when women make money. They support their communities and they support the economy. (Is your money mindset keeping you small? Read here.)
If you’re not sharing your gifts, you’re actually not helping people who need help.
Social Media Marketing
Pinky has a huge following in both of her Facebook and Instagram. She said social media is wonderful as it can reach many people. When you put relevant posts, whether a quote with information or a video with information, it builds a lovely connection with others.
It’s a way of serving and showing people that you are out and around. It’s a great way to support others. You can also leverage what you do on Instagram and even get PR for free with how you interact with your audience.
Gone are the days that we just talk about ourselves in Instagram and Facebook. People are there to connect. It’s very much about building a community.
Pinky’s Top Tip For Mums In Business
Stay strong in your beliefs. If you don’t stand for something, you don’t stand for anything. And I believe, this is how you get seen too. When everything comes back, you’re still be there for people and they still know you’re there. Be kind and know that everybody’s having a hard time at the moment. How you doing now will serve you in great steed in the future, when things are all over. If you’ve had bad days, it’s okay. Tomorrow is another day.
Despite what’s happening around us at the moment, there are still so many opportunities to serve, do your work and work on your business. Everybody is feeling it one way or another. Some people are experiencing a boom while some are experiencing a decrease in revenue. But it’s not a reason to quit, use this time to work on areas of your business. It’s about moving forward.
Keep the economy going ladies. You are worth being a great mum and having a business. You can do it!
We’re always sowing seeds for our future. One thing at a day, they all add up in the end anyway.
You’re writing your own success story right now… when this is all over, what are you gonna say?
Thank you so much Pinky! It’s a treat to be able to chat with you about things we’re both passionate about – mothers, mothering, entrepreneurship and women in business.
We really need to be proud and also get loud about the fact that we are women, that we are mothers and that we are business owners. Women need to be seen. We need to be heard.
And we need to be contributing not only to our own families but also to people some of us employ, like contractors and business owners we work with. We also need to stay strong for our communities and our economies-at-large.
I just wanna echo what Pinky said here in the podcast, be unapologetic in pursuing your business dreams. Your work matters.
So show up, and in that process, be kind and be supportive of other women. We can truly rise together.
Big love! Stay happy in your hustle and I’ll catch you here next week.
Facebook: @Pinky.McKay.Fanpage
Instagram: @pinkymckay1 and @boobiebikkies
Facebook: @mumswithhustle
Instagram: @mumswithhustle
Twitter: @MumsWithHustle
Biz Club: MWH Biz Club
Okay, mama! I'm going to give it to you straight, 'cause you know that's what I'm about. Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach.
I want to reach more hustling mamas that can add extreme value to our kick-ass tribe. Help a sister, out? I already love you forever, but I’d be extremely grateful if you would review me on iTunes!
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About Tracy
As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.
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