Dotti Media

MWH 023 : How To Do Facebook Ads Right The First Time With Angela Ponsford (Dotti Media)

Facebook Ads

Joining me on the podcast this week is Angela Ponsford, from Dotti Media. Angela is one half of this cool biz and she’s passionate woman when it comes to helping entrepreneurs understand social media and online marketing.

Dotti Media has helped hundreds of business owners large and small throughout Australia and internationally to get the results they really want. From Facebook Ads to Instagram, the ladies at Dotti Media know their stuff! I’m so thrilled to have Angela on the podcast as our go-to Facebook Ads guru.

I know that Facebook is a favourite for some and a not so favourite for others when it comes to a social media platform for your biz.

Whether it’s a fave of yours or not, everybody is on Facebook, so of course it’s an awesome place to get your message in front of people that want to hear about your product/service. However, because everybody is on there it’s really noisy, so you have to find your unique voice that stands out from everything else. One of the main ways to cut through the noise on Facebook is to use paid ads (Angela Ponsford).

If you’ve ever wondered about how to go about using Facebook ads for your business, this episode is for you.
If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to use Facebook ads, this episode is for you.
If you’re over wasting your money with Facebook Ads, this episode is for you.
If you’re not really in the position to be spending money on ads by you still want to know how you can grow your fan base on Facebook, this episode is for you.

Through the podcast we cover:

  • The common mistakes people make with Facebook ads.
  • Advice for those wanting to give Facebook Ads a go.
  • Recommended strategies for someone who is just getting their feet wet with Facebook advertising.
  • Using Facebook as a social media platform to promote your businesses.
  • What’s great and what’s not so great about Facebook Pages.
  • A step-by-step walk through of a Facebook strategy for growing one's audience/subscriber list/ readership and ultimately converting a follower into a customer.
  • Quick wins for building your brand and gaining exposure on Facebook.

As a bonus for this episode, you can access my Cheat Sheet of Quick Wins for a Better Understanding of Facebook for Your Biz. Just sign up and I’ll deliver it straight to your inbox in minutes.

Cheat Sheet of Quick Wins for a Better Understanding of Facebook for Your Biz

Facebook doesn’t have to be a pain in your side. Here’s a handy Cheat Sheet with some easy tips that Angela (from Dotti Media) and I discussed on the podcast. Just enter your name and email to grab your cheat sheet straight to your inbox.

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FREE 10 Epic Facebook for Business Hacks webinar

Check out this fantastic webinar that Dotti Media hosted. This dives deep into some of what we talked about on today's podcasts + more!

Connect up with Dotti Media:


Facebook: Dotti Media

Instagram: @dottimedia

Pinterest: Dotti Media

Twitter: @dottimedia

Youtube: Dotti Media

Google+: Dotti Media

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About Tracy

As the founder and CEO of Mums With Hustle, I have the best day job in the world: teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their beautiful businesses online. When I started the business, that was everything I wanted, but since then, it has grown into something much bigger. Now, I get my joy from helping women find their zones of genius within a community that truly celebrates their success. I truly believe that when women choose to band together, we can do anything - and if you feel the same, there’s a place in the MWH community for you.

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